Thank you to everyone who attended, what a ball that was!
Below are links to slides along with other links mentioned on the day. We recorded Audio and Video of the day and will be releasing that as soon as its edited, so check back soon or join the GeekUp Mailing list to find out when.
A big thanks to all the speakers and our supporters Code Computer Love, MDDA, afeeda, Stuart Frisby. A further thanks to SiteVista and O'Reilly for the prizes.
Saturday 30th September 2006, 9:30am – 5:00pm
GeekUp - Ruby and Rails is a FREE, one-day mini conference aimed at people who want to start developing using Ruby and Ruby on Rails. The event introduces attendees to the Ruby language and the Ruby on Rails framework.
The event has limited places so register early to avoid disappointment.
Manchester Digital Development Agency
117-119 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 6ED
The event takes place in Manchester in the North of England, the venue is kindly provided by the Manchester Digital Development Agency and is just a few minutes walk from Picaddilly Train / Tram and Bus stations.
Afternoon sessions are subject to change, some form of lunch will be provide but we advise that you bring along a packed lunch or some spare money to pop out for a bite to eat.
Time | Session |
09.30 | Registration |
10:00 | Welcome and opening comments Andrew Disley - Simplified |
10.15 | Introduction to Ruby on Rails |
11.30 | Break |
11.45 | Ruby For Existing Programmers Carl Drinkwater - 29degrees |
13:00 | Lunch provided by Code Computer Love |
14:00 | AJAX and in Rails Rob Lee - monkeyhelper |
14:30 | Discussion / Break |
15.00 | Hosting and Deploying Rails |
15:30 | Discussion / Break |
16.00 | WATIR: Web Application Testing in Ruby |
14:30 | Discussion / Wrap Up |
This event is FREE to attend all you need to do is leave your name and contact details on the event wiki page or send an e-mail with contact details to e-mail me andrew [at] geekup [dot] org.
a GeekUp event.