GeekUp grassroot geekery in the UK.

GeekUp Nottingham

18:30 Monday February 06 2012
Cape, 23 Victoria St, Nottingham, NG12EW

At Geekup this month - LEGO ROBOTS! Andrew Seward (@MrAndrew) will show us how to bring together as one the two higher art forms of programming and Lego - an overview of what's involved and why it's such a great idea, and then we'll get the chance to build and program a Lego robot of our own!

About Geekup Nottingham

GeekUp Nottingham takes place on the first Monday of every month. It's a grass-roots knowledge sharing and networking social for folks involved or interested in all forms of technology and creative media.


For the latest updates or if you have any questions about GeekUp Nottingham follow and get in touch on Twitter @geekupnotts or give @MrAndrew | Andrew Seward (andrew at andrewseward dot co dot uk) a shout

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Our Friends

  • GeekUp Job Board - Web industry jobs in the UK's North-West
  • Manchester Digital Development Agency
  • North West Ruby User Group
  • Techcelerate
  • PHP North West User Group
  • Manchester .NET User Group

The GeekUp website is maintained Manchester digital freelancer Andrew Disley