GeekUp grassroot geekery in the UK.

GeekUp Nottingham

18:30 Monday August 06 2012
Cape, 23 Victoria St, Nottingham, NG12EW

This month, in partnership with the Nottingham Open Data Group (@NottsOpenData), David Vernau, GIS Technical Co-ordinator at Nottingham City Council will be talking to us about their Open Data plan and getting your thoughts and ideas on the way forward. It promises to be a lively discussion on a subject many of us are passionate about and it's a great opportunity to make your voice heard on how your council shares its data.

After that, your host Andrew Seward (@MrAndrew) will run some Innovation Games to map out a plan for the future of Geekup Nottingham and our vision for a collaborative, self-sustaining Nottingham tech community. Have your say on this subject too and learn some fun new techniques for driving ideas and innovation.

About Geekup Nottingham

GeekUp Nottingham takes place on the first Monday of every month. It's a grass-roots knowledge sharing and networking social for folks involved or interested in all forms of technology and creative media.


For the latest updates or if you have any questions about GeekUp Nottingham follow and get in touch on Twitter @geekupnotts or give @MrAndrew | Andrew Seward (andrew at andrewseward dot co dot uk) a shout

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Our Friends

  • GeekUp Job Board - Web industry jobs in the UK's North-West
  • Manchester Digital Development Agency
  • North West Ruby User Group
  • Techcelerate
  • PHP North West User Group
  • Manchester .NET User Group

The GeekUp website is maintained Manchester digital freelancer Andrew Disley